Gettingraphic is your partner in all things new and fresh for 2018 with a series of blogs that will help.  It’ll be the year to grow branding presence, expand market share through website advances, and even consider some re-design of product packaging or brochures.

We’ll be releasing one blog a month which will provide a look at how the experts on the Gettingraphic team can help Denver firms bump up the bottom line.

Let’s start with brand recognition.

Some would say the logo cannot be touched. Certainly current customers recognize your logo, but does it ignite in them what the marketing department hopes it will?  

Does it inspire confidence?  … A call to action? …A feeling that matches your product or service offerings?

It’s your branding, and fearful advisors often caution; “Do NOT change it!”

Not you.  You are thinking; “take a look at it”! Times change. Tastes change. The world moves on and you are not going to get left behind.

Gettingraphic has the experience and the expertise to apply the science of what works to your company’s branding challenges.

Maybe just a minimal pick-me-up? A fresh idea, small but substantial, to draw more attention from markets that are not currently reached?  Are your customers getting desensitized to the logo?

Perhaps it’s time to break through all of the marketing clutter and help them see something new.

CASE STUDY: There’s the urban legend about the start-up European cookie brand that has an upscale product with a much-too-simple, one color logo, with an unflattering drawing of the cookie and a utilitarian, white label glued to a plastic bag. Fine in Europe. Not so in the States. Something would have to be done.

Why not place the cookies in a clear tube with a fresh version of the logo (omitting the un-appetizing cookie drawing), and boast about the all natural, non-GMO ingredients with prominent label placement of those magic words.  Change the look of the label to reflect the American sensibility for a farmer’s market-style, all natural, “hand-crafted” (YES, I know, but THEY ARE), specialty cookie.  As a high end product, it is only proper (and honestly, it’s deserved) to reflect that on the packaging.  What happens to their US sales volume?  Vroooom. Through the roof.

Could it be time for a fresh take on your existing logo colors, or time to take a look at the font or the proportions?

Any of us could be doing a disservice to our own products and services by not taking the time to run it by an expert. The easiest New Year’s Resolution to keep?  Colorado, you’ve got, and all you have to do is click this linkResolution kept.