Email Marketing…To send or not to send? That is the question

Marketing, love it or hate it, we all have to do it.  As a business owner, it is sometimes difficult to determine what method of marketing is best for your business.  Like most businesses, cost is an obvious and sometimes the single most important factor.  Who doesn’t want the most bang for their buck? Remember when email became popular and how excited you were to here that “ding! You’ve got mail” sound on your computer?  (If the answer is no, bear with us, we understand you were born last week.) How quickly that feeling of excitement dissipated as your inbox

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The Making of a Creative Logo Design

brewery logo design services

Ok…Think fast! When I say “swoosh” you think _____? When I say the double arches you say _____? When I say “GG” you think _____? In case you aren’t so good at the game, the answers were Nike, McDonalds, and Gettingraphic. Ok yes, the last one was a trick question. Today we are talking about the the power and necessity of a good creative logo design. Are you with me? Viѕuаl рrосеѕѕing iѕ thе most imроrtаnt wау fоr gathering infоrmаtiоn for all humаn bеingѕ. A gооd design оr grарhiсѕ work iѕ rеmеmbеrеd for аgеѕ аnd thаt iѕ what drives thе

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Why our website design company has a love affair with WordPress?

Nails on a chalkboard. Yes that is what the mention of WordPress used to sound like to us.There was a time not so very long ago when we would have scoffed at the idea of a WordPress website. We were all about custom HTML websites. WordPress was just, well, ugly. It was a platform best suited for blogging. Well times have changed! We no longer mock WordPress. In fact, we love it! So why the 180? WordPress has come a long way since then. WordPress is now customizable to appease even the most discriminating designer. With numerous theme and plug

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Website Design Maintenance: Otherwise known as “The Care And Feeding of Your Company’s Web Presence.”

Remember the old refrigerator magnet-humor, “But how can I be broke? I still have checks left!” Well, similar to the false sense of financial security a plump checkbook can create (for the arithmetically-challenged, anyway) so too can an established yet “under-engaged” website lull a business owner into a false sense of visibility, relevancy and stability. You think of your business as a living and growing entity, right? You pour your time, attention and resources into it as you endeavor to build it. Your website is a direct reflection and far-reaching extension of your business, and it requires a similar investment

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Website Design Service- 2015 Trends

Ovеr the уеаrѕ, mаnу nеw wеbѕitе dеѕign trеndѕ hаd set ѕаil: invаriаblу, whilе ѕоmе ѕаnk, ѕоmе hаvе tаkеn оff vеrу successfully. So what is trending for 2015? 1. Responsive Design There is that familiar phase again. Responsive design is a website design that looks good across a wide range of electronic devices. This means your desktop, tablet, iphone and laptop. A responsive design will take all the content and images of that full site and retract it to fit on a smaller screen. The ultimate goal is to provide the user with a better experience. In lieu of building a

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What the heck is Responsive Web Design?

mobile website design services

What the heck is responsive design? We love the blank look we get when we mention responsive web design. It’s similar to one we get when we say SEO. Unless you are a website design company or are in a like industry, no one understands what you are talking about. Let’s take a moment to explain. Simply put, responsive design is a website design that looks good across a wide range of electronic devices. This means your desktop, tablet, iphone and laptop. Mobile internet usage is clearly on the rise with no indication of slowing down anytime soon. This means

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Confessions of a Website Design Company

So we are hypocrites. Absolute, straight out, hypocrites. We at Gettingraphic are a website design company. For years we have preached to our clients the power of blogging. Blog! Blog! Blog! We say! Well, we have a confession to make. This, as embarrassing as it to admit, is our very first blog post. There we said it! We are a website design company and we do not blog. Admitting is the first step they say. We all know why we don’t blog. Lack of time, resources, we are graphic designers not writers blah, blah, blah. These are all legitimate excuses

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