Perception is reality. Anybody who tells you differently is smoking something or living in fantasy-land. Developing a strategic approach to branding has the power to improve perceived quality, brand awareness and brand loyalty.  Consumers are heavily influenced by image, style and who is promoting the brand. The brands that become trend setters reap the benefits. This is why creating a brand identity package that clearly articulates what your company is critical; and it’s what we do exceptionally well at Gettingraphic.

Constructing a brand is not a cookie-cutter process. It takes time, development, strategy planning – but most importantly; it takes experience. Gettingraphic combines all of these elements into every brand identity package we create for Colorado businesses, non-profits or individuals looking to establish a solid brand.

Our team of expert graphic artists, brand development strategists, professional writers and marketing experts has well over two decades of experience creating brands that are effective, unique and tell your story.

What is Brand Identity?

We know you don’t have a lot of time – so let’s be blunt. Brand Identity is simply the way the public perceives your business. Some of the individual items that will comprise a brand identity package include:

When your consumer has a positive opinion of your brand, they tend to try your product before others with weaker brands. That’s the time you can let your product or service quality complete the brand affinity and create lifetime customers.

Why is Developing a Brand Important?

It’s suggested that most consumers will make an opinion about a brand within 15 seconds. So if you want to capture that business; you’ve got to put forth the right effort in developing a strong brand that will make a lasting impression.

Why is it important to develop a strong brand?

  • A professionally developed brand identity package will capture the attention of your consumer right from the beginning.
  • When your brand is cohesive, consistent and strong; your message will be received better by multiple consumers.
  • The brand identity packages we create at Gettingraphic will arm you with the right tools to quickly grow your business.

Why should I Update My Brand?

Your competition doesn’t rest – why should you? The reality is if you don’t evolve, in a competitive business world; you will be swallowed up by those that will. It’s for this reason that huge corporations, professional non-profits and even governments spend lots of time developing and redeveloping their brands. However, when you do it right the first time – you won’t have to revisit this process.

Here is a quick question – how many logos has Coca-Cola had? How about Nike? The answer to this question is less than three for each one. 
However, their competition has spent billions of dollars branding, rebranding and rebranding once again.

Finding the right company to fulfill on your need for brand identity design in Denver will ensure you get it right the first time. Get ready to enjoy a unique and exciting design process as you partner up with experienced, creative and savvy design team at Gettingraphic. We invite you to fill out this quick contact form so we can provide you with a 100% free analysis of your current brand identity package and customize a solution that will elevate your brand to levels that will stimulate growth.

Time To Get On Board With Properly Branding Your Business.
Call 480-585-2196 or Fill out the form below and a Gettingraphic team member will contact you within 48 business hours to discuss your project.